Tiny Tots runs every Wednesday during term time from 9.30 – 11.00 at Sharnbrook Village Hall. This friendly group provides 0-4 year olds with a safe space to play and art and craft activities. There is a baby area with weighing scales available on request.
We offer drinks and healthy snacks for the children and tea and coffee with biscuits for the parents and carers. The group is £2.50 for an adult and one child and 50p for each additional child.
Fun for the children, and an opportunity for Mums and Dads to have a chat!
Tiny Tots
For 0-4 year olds.
This is a lovely friendly group and we’d love for you to join us.
Contact Jo McKechnie via email:- jomckechnie@aol.com or by phone on 07900922804 for more information.